Que foda, como você faz sua arte ficar com essas cores?? É arte digital? Me conte seus segredos por favor KKKK
Que foda, como você faz sua arte ficar com essas cores?? É arte digital? Me conte seus segredos por favor KKKK
sim é digital
eu usei color balance nesse
Beautiful! But what kind of creature is she? I didn't know witches counted as "creatures"!
Part of the 2025 list for creatuanary! I don't know most of these so it's going to be fun finding out...
Mano na minha casa tem exatamente essa caixa d'água KKKKKKKKKK
na minha tbm. por isso fiz hauehauh
She's so cool! Is she your oc? I'd like to draw her!
Yeap she’s my OC and NO YOU CANNOT
jk of course u can but only if you show me
Man just wanna say that I love your art
hahahah thanks alot!!! totally worth it XD
This is so cool. I'd like to know what was your process of doing this piece specifically. How did you make the 1bit shader? And how did you add the 2d pixel art in the screen? I know nothing about blender, so I apologize for asking foolish questions
No problem, the pixelation isn't a shader but\ the render being at a low res (128x128). For the shaders, I used an emission shader for everything (a shadeless shader works better when you have objects with actual shading next to them.) I then put the rendered animation to Aseprite and layered the 2d elements over them. The outline effect was achieved by rendering each object separately, and putting an outline effect on each one in aseprite (it was really tedious but the results were worth it).
Some puzzles were surprisingly easy but others were painful to deal with
Yeah! I remember one, the puzzle of the books in I think it was a library .it was a headache for me haha 🫠
Adorable! What did you use to make the animations? And what drawing software do you use? What brushes do you use?
I animate on flipaclip, then converted those to gifs! I draw on ibisPaint X, and I just use the soft felt tip pen for like everything pfft...
This looks cool! What brushes do you use?
for lineart i use one named "school backpack" and for coloring its a brush i got from an artist on instagram, can't remember the name:( (I also use procreate)
That's a very good animation for someone trying to animate for the first time! I think her boobs are a bit too bouncy, but she's a ghost so her mere existence already defies the laws of nature LOL
ahaha appreciate the input gang. It actually means a lot. Every tip helps 👊
I love Piconjo! Pfp by @blue1010yellow :)
muie na net
Joined on 4/1/22